Our Aims and Objectives
The Association has a 5-year plan which sets out what we hope to achieve during this period. The plan is reviewed every year to take account of any changes that may have an impact on the work of the Association.
Our main objectives for 2023-2028 are:
- Governance and Financial Viability - We will continue to review our governance requirements to ensure strategic leadership and direction. We will manage our finance to sustain the business to allow for the continued delivery of services.
- Customer Service and Community Regeneration - We will provide excellent customer service, through analysis and evaluation of customer feedback. We will build on existing partnerships and work with new partners to create opportunities to enhance services in our communities.
- Asset Management and Development - Through a robust programme of reactive, void, cyclical and planned repairs, we aim to maintain and improve existing properties. We will build high standard new homes to meet the needs and aspirations of our customers.
- Our People - By empowering, developing and engaging our staff and Board, we will deliver an excellent service to our customers and be a great place to work.