Our new and improved Customer Service Standards We launched our new and improved Customer Service Standards at our BIG Conversation event. Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation last year. Updates on our Standards will be in the Summer Newsletter.
Are you 16-24 and looking for paid work experience? Our partnership with WorkingRite has helped over 250 young adults. Watch the video and hear Jack's story. Contact Anne on 07921040611 or email
Glen Oaks celebrates another successful year at its 33rd AGM! The meeting was a huge success with shareholders and invited guests celebrating the achievements from 2023/24. Simon Gaunt, Chairperson, spoke about CSE success, Investors in People Silver Award and the new inaugural Alasdair McKee Awards!
Our Annual Report 2023/24 Every year, by the end October, we send our tenants a copy of our Annual Report. This is a regulatory requirement that all Associations must comply with. The Annual Report includes a financial report, an update on our performance and details of our activities during the year.
23 Jan IMPORTANT SERVICE UPDATE: RED WEATHER WARNING With the Met Office red alert in place, our office will be closed on Friday 24 January. Our staff will be working from home but the normal repair service will be suspended. Read more here
23 Jan Free musical classes for children aged 3 months to 5 years at our office! We are excited to host free Jo Jingles classes in our office every Friday at 9.30am. Contact Rachel on 07539022576 to book your space!
16 Jan Housing Perks - Sign up today and start saving! Housing Perks app gives our tenants access to discounts of up to 10% with over 100 brands and stores, to help you save money with everyday spending.
10 Dec Our Winter newsletter is out now! Read all about our performance, how you can get involved and what support services are available. Front page! Make sure you take part in our rent increase consultation.
29 Nov Annual rent increase information booklet is out now! This booklet details our plans for the next year, how your rent will be spent, what we achieved last year and what this increase means for you.
Please take the time to read over the information included.
A link to the survey will be sent to you via email or SMS on Monday 2 December. Make sure you complete the survey and give us your views.
31 Oct SCAM ALERT! Be aware of fraudsters operating in and around the Glasgow area pretending to be council or housing association workers.
26 Aug Police impersonation scams and how to avoid them. Officers from Safer Communities would like to let you know about recent police impersonation scams and how to avoid them.
20 Jun Business Plan Summary 2024 Read our 2024-2027 Business Plan Summary!
28 Mar Contractor change As of 1st April 2024, City Building will no longer be providing an out of hours repairs service for Glen Oaks so please refrain from contacting them directly. All out of hours emergency repairs should be reported via our switchboard, 0141 638 0999.
20 Nov Watch our information video on Protecting your home from Condensation! There are some simple tips you can follow to help prevent condensation in your home that can lead to damp and mould issues.
2024 Estate Action Plans Our annual Estate Action Plans, for each of our three areas Arden, Darnley and Cartloch, are now available.