Factoring Services
Glen Oaks Housing Association is registered as a Scottish Property Factor under the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 (Reg. No. PF000173).
Each owner pays a quarterly charge in April, July, October and January which covers the following:
- The cost of pre-inspecting repairs; ordering the work and the administrative tasks involved in the payment of the invoice.
- The inspection of common areas in order to identify work that needs done.
- The administration involved in organising insurance cover for factored owners.
- The issuing of invoices to owners and any queries which arise from this including pursing non payment using our debt recovery policy.
- The staff resources involved in dealing with Estate Management issues, e.g. neighbour disputes; liaising with other Agencies.
- The involvement of staff dealing with other 'adhoc' queries including complaints.
If you require any further information on the factoring services we provide please call us on 0141 638 0999 (option 1) or email us at factoring@glenoaks.org.uk